Friday 2 December 2016

Saffron or Bhagwa Flag

What is Bhagwa Dhwaj or Saffron flag ?

Nowadays Bhagwa Dhwaj is used by a few Hindu organizations with their own modification on it.It is designated as communal by secular forces. Many of them think it as a religious flag, hardly anyone knows about it. In this post, a brief info is presented.
The Bhagwa Dhwaj is the eternal symbol of Dharma .
It stands for Dharma, advancement, glory, knowledge, sacrifice and valour. The combination of these six aspirations is Bhagwa.
The flag reminds us of the orange hue around the rising Sun, that dispels darkness and radiates light all around. i.e. to destroy Adharma and establish Dharma. The shape of the Bhagwa has another significance: diversity, acceptance, harmony and mutual respect. The two portions remind us that duality, contrast, inequality, diversity are inevitable. For harmonious existence there must be sharing, respect and cooperation, .i.e. one portion upon other.
Whenever we see Bhagwa Dhwaj it reminds us of the great ‘Aaryas’ who have laid their lives to save its honour. ( Arya means Virtuous )

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