Thursday 8 December 2016

Meaning of " Arya"

The meaning of Arya in Vedas is not as described by some historians, who call some imaginary Aryan invasion theory. The word " ARYA" is most grossly misunderstood word in Tamilnadu especially after the advent of black forces. The Arya as described in Vedas are as follows:

Kartavyamacharn Karma, Akratvyamanacharan.
Vishthti Prakritachare yeh sa Arya smriteh

(Vasishtha Smriti)

Meaning : "A person who does only praiseworthy acts, holds the traditions in high regard and upholds them, does not adopt harmful habits and actions, but instead gets rid of such, and is, by his or her nature, a caring person, is alone called Arya. "

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