Sunday 4 December 2016

Mahabharatha - Concluding verses Moral essence.

These 4 verses are found in the end of the epic of Mahabaratha and are supposed to be the moral essence of the great epic.

"Mata pitra sahsrani putra dara satanica
Samsare svanubhutani yanti yasyanti chapare" -1

Thousands of mothers and fathers,
And hundreds of wives and sons,
Are experienced in several births,
And are going to be experienced in the future.

Harsha sthana sahasrani bhaya sthana satani cha
Divase divase moodam avisanti na panditam - 2

Thousands of experiences of happiness
Hundreds of experiences of fears,
Afflict the dim witted man,
But will not affect the wise man.

Urdhva bahur viraumyesha na cha kascid srunoti may
Dharmad arthascha kamasca sa dharma kim na sevyate - 3

I am shouting this loudly,
Raising my hands above,
But no one listens to this,
“Wealth and love comes out of Dharma*,
But no one is bothered to practice his Dharma.”

Na jatu kaman na bhayan na lobbhad Dharmam tyaje jjivitasyapi hetho
Nityo dharmah sukha dukhe tvanitye  Jivo nityo heturasya tvanitye., - 4

Dharma should not be forsaken,
Either due to desire, fear or avarice,
Dharma is permanent but pleasure and sorrow are temporary,
Like soul is permanent but body is temporary.

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