Thursday 8 December 2016

Caste System in Ancient India

In Ancient India two great Rishis "Rishi Bhrigu" and "Rishi Bhardwaj", met to discuss how to structure a stable society. "Rishi Brigu" said that there are four sources of power in the society and we must ensure that nobody has more than one of the se. The four sources are Knowledge, Weapons , Wealth and Land. They should not be in the same hand, not even two should be in the same hand. So those who have knowledge should not have wealth, weapons and land. Those who have weapons will rule the country but they will not make the policy. They need to go to people having knowledge to seek permission and advice to formulate policies of governance. Those who have wealth, their social status will be decided by the amount of philanthropy they do, not by their quantum of wealth. Those who have land have to produce food for the society. In fact none of these four categories or "varna" were based on birth.

The mother of Maharishi "Ved Vyasha", who wrote the "Mahabharat", was a fisher woman. Maharishi "Valmiki", who wrote the "Ramayan", was the child of a Dalit woman. 'Kalidasha", who was one of the greatest poets of our country, was a sheperd. "Rishi Vishwamitra", considered as Rishi of Rishis, was born in a"Kshatriya" family. All of them were well versed in Sanskrit. This proves that the Hindu Dharma does not have have "varna" or "caste' on the basis of Birth. Sanskrit education was not restricted to any community.
Ravana was a "Brahmin" by birth who none of the Hindus worship. So, every Hindu needs to understand that caste system is not by birth and should reject it completely.

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