Monday 31 January 2022

Sri Brahmagnanapureeswarar Temple, Keezha Kurukkai, Tanjavur - Avittam( Dhanista) Star Temple

Sri Brahmagnanapureeswarar Temple, Keezha Kurukkai, Tanjavur 
Bhagwan Shiva blessed his devotees in the form of Shiva Linga which is swayambu that is self manifested.
Those born on Star Dhanista Tamil Avittam should visit this temple for their material success as well as spiritual enlightenment. Legend is that Lord Brahma attained wisodm here on the day of Star Avittam.
Twin Nandis in the mantapa is a unique feature of this temple. Belief is that one can ward off the maleific effects of planets by garlanding these Nandis with Cashew and Geounnd Nut.
Temple was in most dilapidated condition due to the callous attitude of the government authorities. Good samaritans did a wonderful job of cleaning the temple.
Please contribute to this temple liberally.

Twin Nabdi

 Temple after Cleaning

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