Monday 6 March 2017

Vedas encourage Questioning.

Just because society believes, does not make it true.
What morality is being imposed by society or by a guru, or by our parents, are open for us to question and discover.
One seeks to understand the further implication of what is presented. One who questions morality taught by the guru, a wise guru will gladly explain and pursue with the conversations.
Doubts are good, because doubt shows a questioning mind. Doubt shows that we are thinking, that we want to know, that we are serious about that which we are doubting.
Doubt, questioning, contrary to whatever society has said, is the actual path towards enlightenment. One who is unsure will seek answers, and one who seeks and discovers will have a deeper foundation of understanding and knowledge, leading not to merely believing, but to actually knowing. One who knows is more steadfast and confident with their advocacy.
Vedas always gives thrust to questioning, vichara. There is no place for belief system in Vedas. Question and ascertain are the foundation of the Vedas on which stands Sanathana Dharma.

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