Wednesday 25 October 2017

Kumaraguru Bharars Kandar Kalivenba - Pala Sruthi

Kandar Kalivenba - Pala Sruthi
"பல்கோடி சன்மப் பகையும் அவமிருத்தும்
பல்கோடி விக்கினமும் பல்பிணியும் .. பல்கோடி
பாதகமும் செய்வினையும் பாம்பும் பசாசும்அடல்
பூதமும் தீ நீரும் பொருபடையும் .. தீது அகலா ...
வெவ்விடமும் துட்ட மிருகமுதலாம் எவையும்
எவ்விடம் வந்து எம்மை எதிர்ந்தாலும் .. அவ்விடத்தில்
பச்சைமயில் வாகனமும் பன்னிரண்டு திண்தோளும்
அச்சம் அகற்றும் அயில்வேலும் .. கச்சைத் ....
திருவரையும் சீறடியும் செங்கையும் ஈராறு
அருள்விழியும் மாமுகங்கள் ஆறும் .. விரிகிரணம்
சிந்தப் புனைந்த திருமுடிகள் ஓராறும்
எந்தத் திசையும் எதிர்தோன்ற .. வந்திடுக்கண் .....
எல்லாம் பொடிபடுத்தி எவ்வரமும் தந்துபுகுந்து
உல்லாசமாக உளத்திருந்து .. பல்விதமாம்
ஆசுமுதல் நாற்கவியும் அட்டாவ தானமும்சீர்ப்
பேசும் இயல் பல்காப் பியத் தொகையும் .. ஓசை ...
எழுத்துமுத லாம் ஐந்து இலக்கணமும் தோய்ந்து
பழுத்த தமிழ்ப்புலமை பாலித்து .. ஒழுக்கமுடன்
இம்மைப் பிறப்பில் இருவா தனை அகற்றி
மும்மைப் பெருமலங்கள் மோசித்துத் .. தம்மைவிடுத்து ....
ஆயும் பழைய அடியா ருடன்கூட்டித்
தோயும் பரபோகம் துய்ப்பித்துச் .. சேய
கடியேற்கும் பூங்கமலக் கால்காட்டி ஆட்கொண்டு
அடியேற்கு முன்னின்று அருள்."
"Protect me, Oh! Lord! from the dreadful myriads of births the myriads of woes incident thereto causing endless sorrow and ailments, the myraids of commissions of evils, of the danger of snakes, of ghosts and of demons, of threats from fire, water and of hostile forces lined up against me, from venomous poision and from wild beasts, wherever they confront me threatening my very being.
Protect me by granting the vision of you riding the green peacock, your twelve mighty arms, the sharp spear that stems all fear, your winsome waist surrounded by belt, your handsome feet, russet hands, your six pairs of gracious eyes and great countenances, your six crowns that scintillate radiance. These must appear before me wherever Iam in need, without fail.
Let your vision pound away mishaps and grant all favours and be enshrined in my heart to my great joy. The many skills like being able to compose poems in all the different styles, the skill of attending to many things at one and the same time, becoming well-versed in the classics of yore, in poetics and other branches of grammar be granted to me. Inspire and grant me solid and ripe scholarship of Tamil. Make it possible in this very birth, through right living, to conquer the attachments of 'I' and 'Mine' and become rid of the three great bonds of evil. Releasing from their shackles, make me part of the Community of devotees who meditate on you, and thus enjoy, here and now, the bliss of supreme beatitude. Accept me as your servant, unworthy and distant though I be, by granting the vision of your lotus feet and the gift of your palpable presence to me your bond servant"

Trimurthy Narayana Temple, Bandalike, Karnataka..

Sri Trimurthy Narayana Temple, Bandalike, Karnataka..
Sri Trimoorthy Narayana Temple was constructed by Rashtrakutas in 8th century later additions were made by Kalyana Chalukyas in 11th century and Hoysalas in 12th century

This temple complex spread across a large area is home to 5 temples including a Jain Basadi. Each temple here is unique resembling different styles of architecture. The front panels of Someshwara temple has stories carved from the epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana.

Sri Chamundeswari Temple, Mysore, Aerial View

Sri Chamundeswari Temple, Mysore, Aerial View

Hebbe Falls, Kemmangundi, Karnataka..

Hebbe Falls, Kemmangundi, Karnataka..
Hebbe Falls is surrounded by dense forest and coffee plantations. It cascades down from a height of 550 feet in two stages to form Dodda Hebbe (Big Falls) and Chikka Hebbe (Small Falls). This falls is created by the springs generated in the mountains. A pool is formed by the waterfall below the second stage which allows visitors swim and play in the water. It is believed that the waters of these falls are infused with herbs and can cure skin diseases. Taking a refreshing bath in the herb-infused water is popular among the visitors.
Hebbe Falls is a perfect retreat from the busy city life and it is one of the must visit tourist spots in Karnataka. These waterfalls are situated inside a coffee estate and can be reached either by walk or four-wheeler. There is a motorable road for first 4 km and remaining 2 km has to be trekked through dense forest (the hike is little steep). Jeeps are available from Kemmangundi to Hebbe falls and they charge around Rs.3200/- per Jeep including return (6 to 8 people) .
The best time to visit Hebbe falls is from October to January.. Avoid peak monsoons as the path gets slippery and water flow would be dangerous to get closer and swim.

Gems of Tamil Literature : Madhura Kavi Raayar.

Gems of Tamil Literature : Madhura Kavi Raayar.
ஒரு மங்கையை கண்டு காதலித்து பாடியது :
"மூவொன்பது என்பதில்ஓர் நானில்லை, மொய்வனத்தில் 
தாவும் தனிமிருகந் தானில்லை:- நேரே
வளையா னடையில்லை; வார்இருக விம்மும்
முலையாளை யான் முயங்குதற்கு."
விளக்கம் :
மூவொன்பது என்பதில்ஓர் நானில்லை - இருபத்தேழு நட்சத்திரத்திலொன்றாகிய "உத்திரம்" ( அதாவது அவள் மறுமொழி) இல்லை.
மொய்வனத்தில் தாவும் தனிமிருகந் தானில்லை - அடர்ந்த காட்டில் தாவி செல்லும் இணையற்ற விலங்காகிய அதாவது போன் இல்லை.
நேரே வளையா னடையில்லை - நேராக வளையாது செல்லும் அன்னம் (அதாவது சோறு) இல்லை.
வார்இருக விம்மும் முலையாளை யான் முயங்குதற்கு - அழகாக உடைய பெண்ணே
பொருள் நயம்:
நான் காதலித்த மங்கை என்னை விரும்பதற்கூறிய பொன்னும், உண்ணுவதற்கூறிய சோறும் என்னிடம் இல்லாமையால், மறுமொழி ஒன்றும் கூறாது மெளனமாக இருக்கிறாள் என்பது புலவருடைய கருத்து.
அதை சொல்நயம் தோன்றப் போன் எனும் பொருள்படும். காட்டில் தாவி ஓடும் " வேங்கையையும்", உண்ணும் சோறு என்று பொருள்படும், நடை அழகில் சிறந்த " அன்னத்தையும்" தான் பெற்றில்லாத காரணத்தால் அவளிடம் இருந்து பதில் வரவில்லை என்பதை இருபத்தேழு நட்சத்திரங்களில் ஒன்றாகிய " உத்திரம் " கிடைக்கவில்லை என்று ஒரு பொருளைக் குறிக்கும் வேறுசொற்களைக் விளக்கியுள்ளார் மதுர கவி ராயர்.

Kavichakravarthi Ottakoothar -வீக்கா உக்கா

Know Your Tamil Poets : Kavichakravarthi Ottakoothar
வீக்கா உக்கா வித்தா விப்போய்
விட்டால் நாட்டார் சுட்டுட் புக்கார்
அக்கா யத்தா சைப்பா டுற்றே
இல்தே டிப்போய் வைப்பீர் நிற்பீர்
அக்கா டப்போய் தொக்க டச்சூழ்
அப்பா டத்தீ வெப்பா டப்பூண்
நேக்கா டக்கா னத்தா டப்பேர்
நெய்த்தா னத்தா னைச்சே வித்தே.
Meaning :
விக்கல் உண்டாகித் தளர்ந்து உயிரானது உடலை விட்டு நீங்கி விட்டால் சுற்றத்தார் பிணத்தை சுடுகாட்டில் இட்டுச் சுட்டபின் ஊருக்குச் சென்று விடுவார்.இத்தகைய தன்மையுடைய உடலின்மீது ஆசை கொண்டு செல்வத்தை தேடி வீட்டுக்குள் எடுத்துச் சென்று வைப்பவர்களே!
எலும்பு மாலையானது அசையவும்,பேய்கள் கூடி கூத்தாடவும், சடையில் கூடியிருக்கும் கங்கை அசையவும், கையில் உள்ள தீயானது ஆடவும், காதணிகள் அசையவும், சுடுகாட்டில் நடனம் செய்யும் பெருமை பொருந்திய "நெய்த்தானம்" என்னும் தலத்தில் வீற்றிருக்கும் சிவபெருமானை வழிபாட்டு நிலையான பேற்றை அடைவீராக ! என்பதாகும்.

Chandramouleeswara Temple, Hosur

Sri Chandramouleeswara Temple, Hosur, TN..
The Chandrachoodeshwara Temple was built by the Hoysala king, Thirupuvanamalla Barvatharaja Anthiyazhvar, in the year 1260. The temple was renovated by Azhakiya Perumal Aathimoolam. Hosur was founded by King Rama Natha during the year 1290 after the completion of the construction of the temple on hillock. 
Present name Hosur is the transformed version " Hosa Ooru" meaning new town.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Panchalingeswara Temple, Hooli, Karnataka..

Sri Panchalingeswara Temple, Hooli, Karnataka..
Architecture of the Hooli Panchalingeshwar Temple is to be adored. It is a protected monument and is under the control of Archeological Survey of India. Earlier people during summer used to rest in the shade of this temple. Though the temple is made of stone, it is unbelievably cool even during the scorching summer.
There are other temples such as Agastheswarar Temple, Sangameswara Temple. ASI carried out renovation work using cement and this created a huge controversy among historians and the work was stopped.
Let us hope good sense prevails and all the structures are restored to their original glory.

Hooli is at 477 Kms from Bangalore near Dharwad. All the buses plying to Nargund from Dharwad goes to Hooli.

Sunday 8 October 2017

Hassanaamba Temple, Hassan, Karnataka...

Sri Hassanaamba Temple, Hassan, Karnataka...

The temple of Hassanaamba is believed to have been constructed sometime around the 12th century, though no one knows exactly when or how it came to be. There is an ant-hill representing the presiding deity inside the temple.
The town Hasan was named after the presiding deity at the Hasanamba Temple. She is called Hasanamba as she is perceived to be ever smiling, bestowing all riches on her devotees. Built in the 12th century, the temple is open to the public for a week, once a year during the lunar month of Ashwayuja, during Diwali in October. So devotees flock here to seek the Goddess’ blessings during this week.
The temple is unusual in that it is open to the devotees only for a week every year. The rest of the time the Goddess is left with a lit lamp, flowers, water and two bags of rice as offering until the next year. The nandaa deepa, (a ghee-lit lamp) burns all year round, for the entire duration when the temple doors are shut, with the ghee never depleting. And the anna naivedya (the rice offering) offered to the devi at the time of closing the temple is warm and unspoiled when the doors are opened again, a year later.

Saturday 7 October 2017

Nagalingeswarar Temple, Muttam, TN..

Sri Nagalingeswarar Temple, Muttam, TN...
Muttam lies in the Kongu region, the present Coimbatore, near the foothills of the famous Vellingiri hills and in the banks of the Kanchi Maanadhi river (Noyyal).
The temple's main deity is Lord Shiva adorned with the named Muttathu Naagalingeshwarar and his consort Goddess Parvathi is in the name Muthuvaaliamman. The other deities include Vinayagar, Subramaniar, Dakshinamoorthy, Perumal and Sandikeshwarar. The temple also carries the symbols of the Chera, Chola and the Pandya kingdoms, implying that the kings were patrons to this temple. The temple does not have a festival yet, but the Poojas are being performed daily. Thavathiru Santhalinga Adigalaar took efforts to renovate and rebuild the temple in the same old structure it was. The same stones that were used to build the original temple was used again too, to renovate and rebuild that temple. Nearby the temple runs the Kanchi Maanadhi. Now let's see the pictures of this great old treasure.

Friday 6 October 2017

Bheema Lingeswara Temple, Kaivara, Karnataka

Sri Bheema Lingeswara Temple, Kaivara, Karnataka..

The Bheemalingeswara temple is believed to have been built by Bheema, who was one of the Pandavas. Kaivara was known as Ekachakrapuram during the time of the Mahabharatha. It was here that the Pandavas spent a year in hiding after escaping the attempt of their lives at the house of lac. It was here too, that Bheema killed Bakasura, the demon who was terrifying the people of this region.
This place is also known for the famous poet Narayanappa, famous as Kaivara Thatayya. He was a proficient composer in both Kannada and Telugu. He composed Kirtanas in praise of Lord Vishnu who resides in the Amara Narayanaswami temple here. He is also famous for his prophetic work Kala Jnana about future events.

Venkateswara Temple, Bangaru Thirupathi, Guttahalli, Karnataka..

Sri Venkateswara Temple, Bangaru Thirupathi, Guttahalli, Karnataka..
This is a very famous temple which resembles the famous Sri Venkateshwara Temple of Tirupathi in Andhra Pradesh.The temple is built on rocks which dates back to Brigu Maharushi's days. Just below the hillock is Garuda, Vishnu's vehicle.
The temple itself has a very impressive gopuram. There is the kalyani or water tank near which a flight of steps leads us to the idol of Venkataramana, also called Srinivasa. This small attractive sculpture has to be viewed from a six-holed window. .
The temple attracts lots of devotes particularly during the month of Shravana (July/August) At a different level is the shrine for the consort Padmavathi, dating back to mid-19th century. This temple is thronged by pilgrims, particularly during the month of Shravana(July–August).Darshan of the deity is through a small window in the sanctum.

Venkateswara Temple, Devagiri, Bangalore...

Sri Venkateswara Temple, Devagiri, Bangalore...

Sree Varapada Venkateshwara Devagiri Temple is located on a beautiful hillock called Devagiri in Banashankari, Bangalore.
The Devagiri temple is dedicated to Lord Venkateshwara (Lord Vishnu). The image of Lord Venkateshwara at Devagiri temple appears to be a replica of the idol at Tirumala (Andhra Pradesh).
The presiding deity, Lord Venkateswara is accompanied by Lord Ganesh to his right and Goddess Padmavathi to his left.
The other attraction of Devagiri temple is its 108 feet tall Rajagopura.
There are separate shrines for Navagrahas and Lord Hanuman in the temple complex. Besides, there is a Kalyana Mantapa, a Mukha Mantapa, Addalu Mantapa and the Annapurneshwari Hall.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Mallikarjuna Swamy Temple, Mudukuthore, Karnataka..

Sri Mallikarjuna Swamy Temple, Mudukuthore, Karnataka..
Ancient of temple dedicated to Bhagwan Shiva is located on a hill near the village Mudukuthore. The legend is that Arjuna carved this Shiva Linga and did puja using " Mallika Pushpa" and hence the name Mallikarjuna.

Gadde Rameswara Temple, Channarayapattana, Karnataka...

Sri Gadde Rameswara Temple, Channarayapattana, Karnataka...

Monday 18 September 2017

Sri Yoga Narasimha Swamy Temple, Baggavalli, Karnataka..

Sri Yoga Narasimha Swamy Temple, Baggavalli, Karnataka..
Sri Yoganarasimha Temple is a 13th century Hoysala temple at Birur. It was built during the reign of Hoysala King Ballala-III period. During the Hoysala period several temples have been constructed, an estimated 300 temples exist in Karnataka from that period but only 70 are documented. This temple is not as huge or grand as Kesava temple of Somnathpura, yet it cannot be written off as insignificant.
The exterior is decorated with sculptures both mythological and floral. I was disappointed to see the idols defaced. Vandals are destroying the structure little by little under the cover of darkness. I wish the government would wake up to protect the monument.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Know Your Tamil Literature : Andhaga Kavi Veera Raghava Mudaliar

Know Your Tamil Literature : Andhaga Kavi Veera Raghava Mudaliar
"போய்யாருக்குப் பொய்யுரைத்தால் வெற்றியாம்
அவருக்குப் பொய்யாகாத
மேய்யருக்குப் பொய்யுரைத்தால் தேய்பிறைபோல்
தவம்குரையும், மிடிஉண்டாகும்:
தூய்யதாய் தந்தையர்க்குப் பொய்யுரைத்தால்,
வருமைபிணி தொலையாஎன்ரும்,
உய்யஅருள் தேசிகர்க்குப் பொய்யுரைத்தால்,
நரகமது உண்மைதானே !"
--- Anthaga Kavi Veera Raghava Mudaliar ( 16th Century)
Meaning :
பொய்யே பேசுபவரிடம் பொய்யையே பேசினால், அந்த பொய் சொன்னவர்க்குச் செயலில் வெற்றி கிடைக்கும்: பொய்யை விரும்பாத வாய்மையே பேசுகின்றவரிடம் பொய் சொன்னால் மதியின் கலை தெய்வத்துப் போல, செய்த நல்வினை குறைந்து போகும்: வறுமை உண்டாகும். பெற்றெடுத்த தாய் தந்தையரிடம் பொய் பேசினால் வறுமையும் நோயும் எக்காலமும் நம்மை விட்டு நீங்காது. பிறவி பிணி நீங்கும்படி அருள் செய்கின்ற குருதேவரிடத்து பொய் கூறினால், அது கொடிய துன்பத்தைக் கொடுக்கும் என்பது உலகம் அறிந்த உண்மையாகும்.

Who is fit to be teacher?..ஆசிரியரின் தகுதி கூறும் ஒரு இலக்கிய பாடல்.

Who is fit to be teacher?
ஆசிரியரின் தகுதி கூறும் ஒரு இலக்கிய பாடல்.

"குலனருள் தெய்வம் கொள்கை மேன்மை
கலைபயில் தெளிவு கட்டுரை வண்ணம்
நீலமலை நிறைகொள் மலர்நிகர் மாட்சியும்
உலகியல் அறிவோடு உயர்குணம் இணையவும்
அமைபவன் நூலுரை ஆசிரியன்னே ..|| "

Betteswara Temple, Agrahara Beluguli, Karnataka..

Sri Betteswara Temple, Agrahara Beluguli, Karnataka..
Agraha Belaguli is a small village in Channarayapattana taluk is famous for the Keshaveswara temple of the Hoysala. It is elegant Hoysala temple at According to the inscription at the temple itself, this temple was constructed by Keshva Dandanayaka (Kesiraja) the minister of the Hoysala king Ballala II in about 1210 A.D. Though it is called by the name Betteshvara temple now, it was originally Keshaveswara.
The prefix Agrahara indicates that the village housed a large number of Brahmin Scholar families who were said to have been performing the Shatkarmas. But now it has reduced to meager 3-4 families. During the Hoysala Empire the village called by Keshavapura.

Tamil Literature : Anthaga Kavi Veera Raghava Mudaliar, அந்தகக் கவி வீரராகவ முதலியார்

Know Your Tamil Scripture :

கட்டுச் சோற்றைப் பறிகொடுத்தபோது பாடியது :
"சீராடை அற்ற பைரவன் வாகனம், சேரவந்து.
பாராரும் நான்முகன் வாகனம் தன்னைமுன்
நாராயணன்உயர் வாகனம் ஆயிற்று,
நம்மைமுகம் பாரான்:
மை வாகனன் வந்தே வயிற்றில் பற்றினனே !"

-- அந்தகக் கவி வீரராகவ முதலியார்
சீராடை அற்ற வைரவன் வாகனம் - ஒழுங்கான ஆடையில்லாமல் ( கௌபீனம் தரிக்கும் ) வைரவரின் ஊர்தியாகிய நாய்,சேரவந்து - கிட்டவந்து, பாராரும் நான்முகன் வாகனம் தன்னை - நிலத்திலிருந்த பிரமன் ஊர்தியாகிய அன்னத்தை, முன் பற்றி கௌவி - நாம் எடுக்குமுன் எடுத்து வாயில் வைத்துக்கொண்டு, நாராயணன் உயர் வாகனம் ஆயிற்று - விஷ்ணுவின் பறக்கும் ஊர்தியாகிய கருடன் போல ஓடி விட்டது , நம்மை முகம் பாரான் - நாம்மிடத்திலே இரக்கம் வையாதவனாகிய, மைவாகனன் - ஆட்டை ஊர்தியாகவுடைய தீக்கடவுள், வயிற்றினுள் வந்து பற்றினனே - நமது வயிற்றிற் பிடிப்பாய்த் தங்களாயினன்.

Thursday 27 July 2017

Sri Cheranmadevi Tempel, Thirunelveli, TN...
Presiding Deity is called as Appan Venkatachalapathy facing east in Standing Posture. Thayar of this Temple is Alarmel Mangai and Padmavathy Thaayar. Utsavar is Srinivasan. The Lord Venkatachalapathy who adorns the temple is worshipped as equivalent to that of Lord Balaji of Tirupathi.
Recently Kumbaabhishekam was performed after a gap of 60 years. The temple was constructed by Vijayanagara Kings.

There are about 60 inscriptions at this temple the earliest of which dates back to the 12th Century AD to the rule of Jatavaraman Pandya (Kulasekhara I) who in 1200 AD on the suggestion of his brother in law Ravivarma ordered that the land of Karungulapparru, an Eastern Hamlet of Cheran Maha Devi Chadurvedi Mangalam, be made completely tax free for daily offerings to the Lord and for the recital of Vedas and Puranas at this temple.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Dwadasaha Jyotirlinga Temple, Omkara Hills, Bangalore..

Sri Dwadasaha Jyotirlinga Temple, Omkara Hills, Bangalore..

Dwadasha Jyotirlinga temple which is situated on Omkar Hills. Omkar hills is the highest peak in Bangalore. Omkar hills houses an Ashram called Omkara Ashram, SRI SHIVAPURI MAHASWAMIJI founded Omkara Ashrama Mahasamsthana in 1992 on Omkar Hills.
The Gopuram of Jyotirlinga temple attracts with Orissa style and North Indian architecture. Tall white colored gopuram complex shines with golden colored mukuta. There are 12 gopuras each representing a Jyotirlinga.
In this temple the Twelve Representative Jyotirlingas of the original Pauranik Twelve Jyotirlingas, which are in different parts of our country are under one roof, each with an individual Garbhagriha and Vimanagopuram.

Omkareswara Temple, Bangalore..

Sri Omkareswara Temple, Bangalore..

Omkareshwara representative Jyotirlinga measuring around 6 Feet in height, occupies the place of pride with Spatika Shree Yantra, at the centre of the temple, encircled by the other Eleven Jyotirlingas. This is the Main Jyotirlinga of this temple

Manikeswarar Temple, Dhadhapuram, TN..

Sri Manikeswarar Temple, Dhadhapuram, TN..

Uthpalawarna Vishnu Devalaya, Devinuwara, Matara, Sri Lanka..

Sri Uthpalawarna Vishnu Devalaya, Devinuwara, Matara, Sri Lanka..

Nanneswara Temple, Lakkundi, Karnataka..

Sri Nanneswara Temple, Lakkundi, Karnataka..
Sri Nanneswara Temple is dedicated to Bhagwan Shiva. Even to the ones who are suffering from the temple fatigue, Lakkundi can be a pleasant surprise with more temples. Lakkundi is often a gem missed by majority of tourists. One take the trouble of making visit to Lakkundi is rewarded with one of the fine architectural feasts of the Kalyana Chalukya period (about 10 century CE).

Gadderameswara Temple, Channarayapatna, Karnataka..

Sri Gadderameswara Temple, Channarayapatna, Karnataka..

Chennakesava Temple, Dindaguru, Karnataka..

Sri Chennakesava Temple, Dindaguru, Karnataka..

Sri Arkeswara Temple, Hole Alur, Karnataka.

 Sri Arkeswara Temple, Hole Alur, Karnataka..

The Arakeshvara Temple, dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, is located in the village of Hole Alur in the Chamarajanagar district of Karnataka state. According to the historians the temple which dates back to the middle of the 10th century rule of the Western Ganga Dynasty appears to have been renovated in later periods. It was constructed by King Butuga II around 949 A.D. to celebrate his victory over the Cholas of Tanjore in the historically important battle of Takkolam. It was a military engagement between crown prince Rajaditya, son of the Chola King Parantaka I, and King Butaga II (a powerful vassal of the Rashtrakuta emperor Krishna III). The temple is protected as a monument of national importance by the central Archaeological Survey of India.

Friday 9 June 2017

Siva Siva Venba

Gems of Tamil Scripture : Siva Siva Venba
"விற்பிரப்பான் மன்னர்செயன் மேவவுல கேங்குநிறை
சிற்பரனே தெய்வஞ சிவசிவா - பொற்பின் 
அகர முதல வெழுத்தெல்லா மாதி 
பகவன் முதற்றே யுலகு."
- --சென்னமள்ளய்யர் (1767 AD ) - சிவா சிவா வெண்பா
குறட்கு உரை :
அகரமாகிய முதலையுடையான், எழுத்துக்களெல்லாம்; அது போல ஆதிபகவானாகிய முதலை உடைத்து உலகமேன்றவாறு.
அகரவுயிர்போல ஆதிபகவானாகிய பரமசிவனை உலகத்தில் வியாபித்து நின்றதற்குப் பிரமாணம் : வில்லாலும் பிரம்பாலும் அருச்சணனும் பாண்டியனும் அடித்த அடி எங்கும் உற்றமையால் விளங்கும். அருச்சனன் தவம் பன்னுகையிர் சிவபிரான் வேடவடிவந்கொண்டு எழுந்தருளினபோது வில்லாலடித்தது பாரதத்தில் தவனிலைச் சருக்கத்தில் சொல்லப்பட்டது.

Varadaraja Swamy Temple, Naina malai, Namakkal, TN..

Sri Varadaraja Swamy Temple, Naina malai, Namakkal, TN..
Nainamalai Varadharaja Swamy Temple is one of the most ancient temples in Tamilnadu. According to Hindu mythology, it has been there for many yugas and many rishis had did penance here.. Naina maharishi had done tapas here and hence it is called as Nainachalam.

The temple is situated on a hill top. The hill top can be reached by climbing 3500 steps. Thala Virucham of this temple is nali tree. Temple can be reached through motorable road. The present temple is said to have been built by Poligar Ramachandra Nayaka.

Trivikrama Temple, Sonda, Karnataka..

Sri Trivikrama Temple, Sonda, Karnataka..

Sri Trivikrama Temple was built for Lord Sri Rama Trivikrama Devaru by Arasappa Nayaka. 
A beautiful murthy of Bhagwan Thrivikrama adores the sanctum sanctorum. At the southern side of the shrine there are engravings giving the detais the charities made to this temple by Arasappa Nayaka.

Chintaamaneeswarar Temple, Karunguli, Near Chennai..

 Sri Chintamaneeswarar Temple, Karunguli, Near Pulicat, Chennai..
Karungaali is a small village located in the north western side of Chennai. Karungaali has a beautiful temple for Lord Shiva called Sri Chinthaamaneeswarar, amidst scenic surroundings. According to the inscriptions, the temple is over 1300 years old.

The speciality of this temple is that, it has sea in the front side, a river behind it and forest on the other side. It is a very rare sight to see a temple amidst such a natural setting.
To reach Karungaali one has to take the road from Minjur towards Pazhaverkadu (Pulicat). After crossing about 10 kms from Minjur one can reach a village by name ‘Kaattoor’. Take right turn from Kaattoor and drive about 5 km (bad and sandy road amidst many salt lakes) to reach the banks of the river Arani
After reaching the river Arani, one has to take a boat to cross the river and the temple is on the other side of Arani river, which is Karungaali village. There is only one boat available and sometimes we have to wait for some time for the boat man to arrive. He charges Rs. 10/- for an up and down trip which takes hardly 5 minutes for each way. Alternatively, to reach the temple by road one can also take the Ennore Port Road, which will lead to this temple.
Lord Shiva has 5 faces; Isaanam, Thathpurusham, Vaamadhevam, Sathyojaatham and Agoram. There are 5 Shiva temples near Chennai, representing each of the 5 faces of the Lord. Out of those 5 this temple represents the Agora face of Lord Shiva.
The other 4 being Ramagiri Sri Vaaleeswarar (Isaanam), Suruttuppalli Sri Pallikondeeswarar (Thathpurusham), Aarani (near Periyapaalayam) Sri Sampangi Pichaaleeswarar (Vamadhevam) and Ariyathurai Sri Varamoortheeswarar (Sathyojaatham). Interestingly, all these 5 temples lie on the banks of Brahmaranya (Arani) river.
Karungaali, where this temple is located, is where the Brahmaranya (Arani) river finally merges into the ocean.
As per the legend, there lived a Rishi (Saint) by name Sattai Muni who performed Thapas (penance) in this place on the banks of Brahmaranya River. It is said that he formed this temple and worshipped Lord Shiva here

Saturday 3 June 2017

Sri Channakesava Swamy Temple, Kaidala, Tumkur..

 Sri Channakesava Swamy Temple, Kaidala, Tumkur..
The Chenna Keshava temple  in Kaidala in Tumkur district was built by Gule Bachi, a chieftain of the Hoysala King Narasimha I in 1150 ADThere is a beautiful Chenna Keshava in monolithic black stone (Krishna Shile) installed in the Garbhagriha. The strikingly beautiful idol faces west unlike in most hindu temples. According to a theory propounded by the priest of the temple, this was to prevent the muslim invaders from destroying the main deity. The carvings of jewellery on the idol are dainty, detailed and flawless. The 5-and-half feet idol of Chenna Keshava is installed on a 2-and-half feet pedestal which has beautiful carvings of the trimurthi, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. 

Sri Channakesava Swamy Moolavaru.
The uniqueness of this temple's architecture is such that, on the day of the Makara Shankaranthi, the rays of the sun falls directly at the feet of the main deity.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Ranganathaswamy Temple, Nirthadi, Chitradurga, Karnataka...

Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple, Nirthadi, Chitradurga, Karnataka...

Sri Ranganatha swamy temple was constructed by Vijayanagara Kings. This temple was destroyed by Mughal Ruler Aurangazeb in 1696 AD.
The Chitradurga chief Baramappa Nayaka (1689–1721) rebuilt the temple in 1698 AD.

Dharmeshvarar Temple, Manimangalam, Near Tambaram, Chennai.

Sri Dharmeshvarar Temple, Manimangalam, Near Tambaram, Chennai.
Recently visited this ancient, magnificent architecturally, historically rich temple situated in the sub-urban of chennai amidst pleasant serene environment constructed by Cholas. 
Bhagwan Shiva is present in the sanctum sanctorum as Dharmeswarar in linga form with Ambal in a separate shrine. One is assured of immense satisfaction and peace with the serene atmosphere of the temple and the village. The whole temple is built on stone with wonderful architecture.
One can feel the divinity in this calm and cool ambience with the view of the Lord in natural light and the light from the temple lamps.
There is a small Nandhi facing the Lord in the sanctum, from this Mandapam. The Nandi statue opposite to the sanctum of Lord Siva is sculpted artistically and installed. A strike on it releases the sound of bronze.
Festivals like Maha Shivarathri, Pradhosham, and Karthigai Dheepam are celebrated well in this temple, with much effort of the priests. People from various parts of the city visit this temple very often but unfortunately, not the local villagers.

Lakshmi Narasimha Temple, Marehalli, Near Malavalli, Karnataka..

Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple, Marehalli, Near Malavalli, Karnataka..
Belonging to the Sri Vaishnava tradition the temple is 1200 years old.
There are 25 inscriptions about this temple. Out of them three records, dated 1014 A.D. refer to this deity Rajashraya Vinnagara. The Chola King Raja Raja I the Great (985-1012 A.D.) had the title Rajashraya Vinnagara. The construction of this temple must have started during his reign. He seems to have died before the completion of the structure.
Later additions were made by the Vijayanagara kings.

Urayoor Panchavarneswarar Temple, TN..

Urayoor Panchavarneswarar Temple, TN..

Sri Ketpai Narayana Temple, Bhatkal, Karnataka..

Sri Ketpayyan Narayana Temple was constructed in 1546 AD. This temple is one of the most outstanding temples with its finest sculptures. The temple proper is a compact structure about 10 x 6metrs. With a gabled roof of granite slabs the whole structures is surrounded by stone lattice windows. The Garbhagriha with a Pradakshinapath has a fine sculpture of ‘Gopikavastraharana’. The main deity is Narayana.

Mahammaaya Temple, Ankola, Karnataka.. .

Sri Mahammaaya Temple, Ankola, Karnataka..
Built in 16th C. it is one of the important temples at Ankola city. The temple is beside NH-17 (national highway). The temple holds the deities of Shri Mahamayi, Shri Laxmi Narayana along with the idols of Eshwara, Parwathi and Ganapathi. During Mahanavami and Vijaya dashami special worship and celebrations are held.