Friday 6 October 2017

Venkateswara Temple, Bangaru Thirupathi, Guttahalli, Karnataka..

Sri Venkateswara Temple, Bangaru Thirupathi, Guttahalli, Karnataka..
This is a very famous temple which resembles the famous Sri Venkateshwara Temple of Tirupathi in Andhra Pradesh.The temple is built on rocks which dates back to Brigu Maharushi's days. Just below the hillock is Garuda, Vishnu's vehicle.
The temple itself has a very impressive gopuram. There is the kalyani or water tank near which a flight of steps leads us to the idol of Venkataramana, also called Srinivasa. This small attractive sculpture has to be viewed from a six-holed window. .
The temple attracts lots of devotes particularly during the month of Shravana (July/August) At a different level is the shrine for the consort Padmavathi, dating back to mid-19th century. This temple is thronged by pilgrims, particularly during the month of Shravana(July–August).Darshan of the deity is through a small window in the sanctum.

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