Wednesday 30 November 2016


The HRD ministry’s decision to replace German with Sanskrit met unique logic by the same forces and people who possess unique contempt for the Soul of India. They see India from prism of the West. Their colonised minds find teaching of Sanskrit anti-global, and they are quick to catogrise it as RSS agenda of ‘saffronisation’. Is it so? The question is not new. Hybrid of Macaulayites, Marxists and Nehruvians left no stone unturned to denigrate Sanskrit to a ‘Brahminical’, ‘priestly’ language and of no face value.
Without learning of Sanskrit, it is not possible to decipher the Indian philosophy on which our culture and heritage are based.” Besides, Sanskrit being the mother of all Indo-Aryan languages; it is this language in which our Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads have been written and in which Kalidas, Bhavbhuti, Banbhatt and Dandi wrote their classics. Teachings of Shankaracharya, Ramanuja, Madhvacharya, Nimbak and Vallabhacharya would not have been woven into the fabric of Indian culture had Sanskrit not been available as medium of expressing their thoughts.
German may be useful for other purposes, but equating them with Sanskrit is the greatest folly. The learned judge of SC quoted the Sanskrit Commission Report (1957) which says the Indian people and Indian Civilisation were born in the lap of Sanskrit and it went “hand in hand with the historical development of the Indian people and gave the noblest expression of their mind and culture which has come down to our day as an inheritance of priceless order for India, nay, for the entire world”.
Teach German as one of the elective language but German as a replacement for Sanskrit is unacceptable.

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