Thursday 2 March 2017

Dharmasastras : Sanathana Dharma

Dharmasastras : Sanathana Dharma 
If religion helps a man to rise from the human level to the divine level, Dharma(righteousness) elevates him from the brute level to the human level. It helps him to live a socially useful life and consequently, achieve happiness and peace in his personal life too.
Realising this, our rishis of yore who discovered this Dharma, not only practised it in their own life but also vigorously propogated it. When Sage Dadhichi gave up his life to help devas against the demons or when Vibhishana gave up his all to join Rama, they were showing that no sacrifice was too great in defence of Dharma.When his brahmandanda quietly devoured all the missiles discharged by Viswamitra, Vasishta was actually exhibiting the tremendous power of Dharma against Adharma.

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