Wednesday 22 March 2023

Did really Savarkar apologised to Britishers?

Rahul Gandhi's understanding of history is shockingly childish. If he had even spent a few hours reading his great grandfather's books he would at least have reached adolescence in so far as the understanding of history is concerned. His remarks on Savarkar show that his immaturity is perhaps incurable. "I beg to remain your obedient servant" was a common usage followed universally right into the middle of the last century. For example here is a letter written by Churchill On December 8, 1941 ( after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor), to the Japanese ambassador: Sir, On the evening of December 7th His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom learned that Japanese forces without previous warning either in the form of a declaration of war or of an ultimatum with a conditional declaration of war had attempted a landing on the coast of Malaya and bombed Singapore and Hong Kong. In view of these wanton acts of unprovoked aggression committed in flagrant violation of International Law and particularly of Article I of the Third Hague Convention relative to the opening of hostilities, to which both Japan and the United Kingdom are parties, His Majesty's Ambassador at Tokyo has been instructed to inform the Imperial Japanese Government in the name of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom that a state of war exists between our two countries. I have the honour to be, with high consideration, Sir, Your obedient servant, Winston S. Churchill Does it mean that Churchill wants to be a servant of Japan while declaring war on that nation? I think Congress still has a few people with some sense of proportion. They must attempt to restore balance in Rahul Gandhi if that is indeed possible.

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