Wednesday 30 November 2016


The HRD ministry’s decision to replace German with Sanskrit met unique logic by the same forces and people who possess unique contempt for the Soul of India. They see India from prism of the West. Their colonised minds find teaching of Sanskrit anti-global, and they are quick to catogrise it as RSS agenda of ‘saffronisation’. Is it so? The question is not new. Hybrid of Macaulayites, Marxists and Nehruvians left no stone unturned to denigrate Sanskrit to a ‘Brahminical’, ‘priestly’ language and of no face value.
Without learning of Sanskrit, it is not possible to decipher the Indian philosophy on which our culture and heritage are based.” Besides, Sanskrit being the mother of all Indo-Aryan languages; it is this language in which our Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads have been written and in which Kalidas, Bhavbhuti, Banbhatt and Dandi wrote their classics. Teachings of Shankaracharya, Ramanuja, Madhvacharya, Nimbak and Vallabhacharya would not have been woven into the fabric of Indian culture had Sanskrit not been available as medium of expressing their thoughts.
German may be useful for other purposes, but equating them with Sanskrit is the greatest folly. The learned judge of SC quoted the Sanskrit Commission Report (1957) which says the Indian people and Indian Civilisation were born in the lap of Sanskrit and it went “hand in hand with the historical development of the Indian people and gave the noblest expression of their mind and culture which has come down to our day as an inheritance of priceless order for India, nay, for the entire world”.
Teach German as one of the elective language but German as a replacement for Sanskrit is unacceptable.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Avvaiyaar - Moothurai மூதுரை

*அற்ற* குளத்தில் அறுநீர்ப் பறவைபோல்
உற்றுழித் தீர்வர் உறவல்லர் -அக்குளத்தில்
கொட்டியும் ஆம்பலும் நெய்தலும் போலவே
ஒட்டி உறுவார் உறவு.

மூதுரை, ஔவையார்

நீர் வற்றியதும், குளத்திலிருந்து வாழும் பறவைகளைப் போல துன்பம் வந்த போது நீங்கி விடுபவர்கள் சுற்றத்தார் ஆக மாட்டார்கள். அந்தக் குளத்திலுள்ள கொட்டிப்பூண்டையும், அல்லிக்கொடியையும், குவளைக் கொடியையும் போன்றவர்களாக சேர்ந்து, நீர் ஏற்றத் தாழ்வுகள் போல் உயர்ந்தும் தாழ்ந்தும் துன்பத்தையும் இன்பத்தையும் ஏற்றுக் கொள்பவர்களே நல்ல சுற்றத்தவர் ஆவார்கள்.

Belur Math, Kolkatta

Belur Math, West Bengal :
Belur Math is the headquarters of the Ramakrishna Mission, founded by Swami Vivekananda—a chief disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. It is located on the west bank of Hooghly River, Belur, West Bengal, India. The temple is notable for its architecture that fuses Hindu, Christian and Islamic motifs as a symbol of unity of all religions.
The 40-acre (160,000 m2) campus of the Belur Math on the banks of Ganga includes temples dedicated to Ramakrishna, Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda, in which their relics are enshrined, and the main monastery of the Ramakrishna Order. The campus also houses a Museum containing articles connected with the history of Ramakrishna Math and Mission. Several educational institutions affiliated with the Ramakrishna Mission are situated in the vast campus adjacent to Belur Math. The design of the temple was envisioned by Swami Vivekananda and the architect was Swami Vijnanananda—a direct monastic disciple of Ramakrishna. The Belur Math is considered as one of the prime tourist spots in India and place of pilgrimage by devotees.

Monday 28 November 2016

Beliefs in Hinduism

Nine Beliefs of Hinduism :

Our beliefs determine our thoughts and attitudes about life, which in turn direct our actions. By our actions, we create our destiny. Beliefs about sacred matters--God, soul and cosmos--are essential to one's approach to life. Hindus believe many diverse things, but there are a few bedrock concepts on which most Hindus concur. The following nine beliefs, though not exhaustive, offer a simple summary of Hindu spirituality.

Hindus believe in a one, all-pervasive Supreme Being who is both immanent and transcendent, both Creator and Unmanifest Reality.

Hindus believe in the divinity of the four Vedas, the world's most ancient scripture, and venerate the Agamas as equally revealed. These primordial hymns are God's word and the bedrock of Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion.

Hindus believe that the universe undergoes endless cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution.

Hindus believe in karma, the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words and deeds.

Hindus believe that the soul reincarnates, evolving through many births until all karmas have been resolved, and moksha, liberation from the cycle of rebirth, is attained. Not a single soul will be deprived of this destiny.
Hindus believe that divine beings exist in unseen worlds and that temple worship, rituals, sacraments and personal devotionals create a communion with these devas and Gods.

Hindus believe that an enlightened master, or satguru, is essential to know the Transcendent Absolute, as are personal discipline, good conduct, purification, pilgrimage, self-inquiry, meditation and surrender in God.
Hindus believe that all life is sacred, to be loved and revered, and therefore practice ahimsa, noninjury, in thought, word and deed.

Hindus believe that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others, but that all genuine paths are facets of God's Light, deserving tolerance and understanding.

Hinduism, the world's oldest religion, has no beginning--it precedes recorded history. It has no human founder. It is a mystical religion, leading the devotee to personally experience the Truth within, finally reaching the pinnacle of consciousness where man and God are one.

Kumaraswamy Temple, Kraunchagiri, Sandur, Karnataka..

Sri Kumaraswami Temple, Kraunchagiri, Sandur, Karnataka..
Krauncha Giri is famous for the Subramanya temple located in Bellary district in Karnataka. Krauncha Giri is believed to be the first abode of Subramanya in south India.

The name 'Krauncha Giri' is very familiar to many, but few know the location of this legendary mountain. For many, it's just a mythical one like Mount Meru.
Unique feature of the mountain is its elliptical shape with a diametric narrow pass. According to legend, this gap is made when Kartikeya pierced the mountain in the battle with the demon Tharaka, with his sphere weapon vel to kill the demons who were hidden inside mountain. This legend is held in high esteem in Hindu mythologies including Mahabharata (salya parva.46), Skanda Purana(asura kandam). Krauncha Giri is also associated with legends of the sages Agastya and Parasuram.

Kodandarama Temple, Chunchanakatte, Karnataka

Sri Kodandarama Temple, Chunchanakatte, Karnataka..
Chunchanakatte near Mysore houses an ancient temple dedicated to Lord Rama, located by the side of River Cauvery and a beautiful falls.
The uniqueness of the idol installed here is that Sita is seen standing to the right of Rama. The pristine beauty of the place with the falls gushing in full flow is a sight to watch.
Legend describes Chunchanakatte as the holy place where Lord Sri Rama, during his exile, stopped by and availed the hospitality of a tribal couple called Chuncha and Chunchi. It is in this forest that Lord Rama met Agnatha Rishi. Impressed by his devotion to Lord Narayana Rama beckoned the Rishi to ask for a wish and the Rishi expressed his desire to see Lord Rama with Sita on His right side. And thus, the Lord is seen with Sita on His right side.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Gems of Tamil Scripture : Glory of Vallal Kalathi Mudaliar of Thiruninravoor.
."நீளத் திரிந்துழன்றாய் நீங்கா நிழல்போல
நாளைக் கிருப்பாயோ நல்குரவே - காளத்தி
நின்றைக்கே சென்றுக் காண நீயெங்கே நானெங்கே
இன்றைக்கே சற்று இரு."
-- மதுர கவிராயர்
Meaning :
இன்பத்திற்குப் பகையான வறுமையே என்னை விட்டு நீங்காத எனது நிழலைப் போன்ற நீ என்னுடன் வெகு நாளாக அலைந்து வருந்தலாயினை, நாளைய தினம் நீ எனக்கு உறவாகி நிற்பாயோ? காளத்தி முதலியார் வள்ளலாருடைய திருநின்ரையுருக்கு நான் செல்வேநாயின் நீ எங்கே போவாய், நான் எங்கே உன்னை விட்டுப் போவேனோ பழமை பாராட்டி இன்றைய தினம் மாத்திரமே, சிறிது காலம் என்னோடு இருப்பாய் என்பதாகும்

Auvvaiyar Gnanabodham

ஆதியாய் நின்ற அறிவு முதல்எழுத்து
ஓதிய நூலின் பயன் .
கருத்துரை :
தமிழில் முதல் எழுத்து  " அ " வேதத்தின் முதன்மை எழுத்து "ஓம்" எனும் பிரணவம் ஆகும். இந்த முதல் எழுத்தின் மூலத்தை அரியச் செய்த நூலின் பயனே அறிவின் நிறைவாகும். அறிவை தருவது நூல். அந்நூலை அறிய வைப்பதும் அறிவே ஆகும்.
அரும்பத உரை :
ஆதி - முதல், ஓதிய - அறியச் செய்த
தெரிவுரை :
" அகர முதல எழுத்தெல்லாம் ஆதி பகவன் முதற்றே உலகு " - என்பது திருக்குறள். " அகரமுமாகி அதிபனுமாகி " என்பர் அருணகிரிநாதர்.
எழுத்துகளில் முதல் எழுத்து அகரம் அதுபோல் இறைவன் உலகு, உயிர் அனைத்திற்கும் முதன்மையானவன்.
"அ " வின் சிறப்பு, வெளிமுயற்சி களுள் வாயைத் திறந்தாள் என்ற ஒரு அசைவிலையே பிறப்பது அகரம். எந்த எழுத்தொலியும் வாயைத் திறவாமல் பிறப்பதில்லை. வாயைத் திறந்தவுடன் உண்டாகும் "அ" என்ற ஒலியில்லாமல் எழுத்துகள் ஒன்றும் தோன்ற மாட்டா. அதுபோல இறைவனின்றி உலகம் மற்றும் உயிர் எதுவும் தோன்றமாட்டா. " அகர உயிர்போல் அறிவாகி எங்கும் நிகரில் இறை நிற்கும் நிறைந்து" என " திருவருட்பயன்" என்ற நூல் பகரும்.

The surest way to find God is.... 
Not to make Him a private possession, 
a problem solver, 
or an instant consolation in time of need, 
But rather by opening to love. 

‘God is love, and anyone who lives in love is living with God and God is living in him.’

Om Namah Shivaya.